Sniff 802.11ac With Omnipeek

Over the past few years, the number of times that I’ve had to do wireless captures and sniff the air like a hound dog has increased. With that increase, the amount of 802.11ac captures has gone up as well. This is of no surprise as every vendor on the market is touting 802.11ac as the new Super Bass-O-Matic 76. With this need for capturing more and more 802.11ac frames, Savvius has stepped up to the plate with their new 802.11ac adapters.


I wanted to have some fun capturing some 802.11ac frames with these new adapters, but I also wanted to see what would happen if I use my older Savvius 802.11n adapters to capture 802.11ac frames.

Lets take a look…

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Capture Roams With Omnipeek


I recently had to do some work that required me to measure roam times between a mobile device as it moved from Access Point to Access Point. The original requirement for this device’s application was 40ms, but luckily it was configurable. The customer wanted to start with the most stringent tolerance first, and then adjust based on findings. The lower the threshold, the more accurate the results for the application.

If communication stopped longer than 40ms, it would trigger a fault in communication between the device and the server. This lead to some interesting testing to try and achieve this goal (however unrealistic). Due to this little project, I became more familiar with the Savvius Omnipeek program, and how to measure roaming of client devices.

Lets take a look…

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